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AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) Tutorial

The XMLHttpRequest Object

You need to know some background on the XMLHttpRequest object before you can use it. The XMLHttpRequest object has the following important properties and methods:

readyState Property
The readyState property contains the status of the server's response as shown in the following table.




The request was initialized


The request was set up


The request was sent


The request is in process


The request is complete

status Property
The Status property holds the HTTP status code returned from the server. A valid code of 200 is desired. Invalid codes may include 404 - Page Not Found, 500 - Server Error, etc.

responseText Property
The responseText property contains the data sent back from the server as a text string.

responseXML Property
The responseXML property contains the data sent back from the server as an XML document.

onreadystatechange Property
The onreadystatechange property stores the function that will process the response from a server.

open Method
The open method is used to open a HTTP request and takes three arguments. The first argument denotes which method, GET or POST, to use when sending the request. The second argument indicates the URL of the server-side script. The last argument dictates whether the request should be run asynchronously.

send Method
As its name implies, the send method sends the request to the server.

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