Windows Menu Related Tips
Menu Show Delay
Cascading menus appear or disappear 500 milliseconds after you apply or remove
their highlight. You can change this time by tweaking:
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop
MenuShowDelay = "xxxx"
Where "xxxx" is a value in
milliseconds greater than 100. The default is 500 (one half second).
Drop Down Menu Alignment
Add or change this setting to Right or Left align drop down menus:
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop
MenuDropAlignment = "x"
Set "x" to "0" for left and "1" for
right aligned menus.
Sorting Start Menu Items -- Windows 98 or later.
To permanently sort items alphabetically on the start menu goto
Menu\&Programs\Menu and highlight the Order entry in the contents pain then
delete it. There is a similar entry for each of the &Program subkeys
(Accessories, Games,...)
Multi-Column Start | Programs Menu
In some configurations the Start menu displays as a single column with arrows
at the top and bottom rather than multiple columns. The following tweak
restores the multicolumn menu: Windows 95 the Start | Programs menu displayed
multiple columns when necessary. Windows 98 does not. But it can. Use Regedit
to add a new value:
Under this key
Add a new string value named StartMenuScrollPrograms with a
value of NO if running IE6 and a value
of FALSE otherwise.
Disable Recent Documents Menu
Open Regedit and goto
Find or create a DWORD named NoRecentDocsMenu and set its value to 1. To
stop Windows from tracking recent documents, find or create a DWORD value named NoRecentDocsHistory
and set it to 1.