.NET File System and I/O Related...
Create, read, write and delete event logs.
Create, read, write and delete event logs in VB.NET with the "EventLog" class
in the System Diagnostics namespace.
Detect when a file or folder changes using the
Detect when a file or folder changes using VB.NET's "FileSystemWatcher" class
from the "System.IO" namespace.
Get Windows Special Folder Paths in .NET.
Special Folders are Windows folders such as: My Documents, Desktop, Favorites,
Recent, Documents and Settings, Cookies,.... Here's how to get the path to
these folders.
Read Text files with .NET.
Read an ASCII Text file with .NET use the "StreamReader" class in the
"System.IO" namespace.
List all files in a folder and get their attributes in
List all files in a folder and get their attributes in VB.NET using the
DirectoryInfo class of the System.IO namespace.
Invoke NTFS file compression from C#.
Invoke NTFS file compression from C# using the "DeviceIoControl" function
imported from the Kernel32 DLL.
ZIP files from .NET applications.
Create ZIP files from .NET applications by referencing the Java Runtime and
using the functionality in the java.util and java.util.zip namespaces.
Browse for folders using Shell32.dll in C#.
Browse for folders using the Shell32 DLL's "BrowseForFolder" function in C#.
Convert comma delimited data to XML via XSLT.
Convert comma delimited data to XML using "Extensible Stylesheet Language
Transformations (XSLT)".