Read text files in .NET using the System.IO StreamReader
The easiest way is to use the StreamReader class in
the System.IO namespace.
Create a form, drop on the OpenFileDialog control and set its Filter property
to Text (*.txt) |*.txt. Add a button and in its Click event add
the following C# code:
string myFile = openFileDialog.FileName;
Open the file:
Using System.IO;
string strLine = "";
StreamReader rdr;
rdr = new StreamReader(myFile);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Opening File", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Loop through the file:
while (strLine != null)
strLine = rdr.ReadLine();
if ((strLine != null) && (strLine != ""))
... process the line of text ...;
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