Create An Active Skin
(Irregularly Shaped Form Based on any Image)

Yes, believe it or not, the images shown below are both Visual Basic forms. Each picture illustrates a single form. Why use a form like this? Because they are eye catching. Forms looking like this are called Skins and are actually very popular. Customizable Skins are used in popular applications such as RealPlayer and Winamp.

This sample shows how to create a skin resembling any image. I call it an Active skin because you can change it by simply dragging a new image onto it. Likewise, you can add and remove skin shaped buttons with a simple drag operation.

Create an irregular form (Skin) that will automatically take on the shape of any picture.
TheScarms is one form displayed on my PC's black desktop.


Create an irregular form (Skin) that will automatically take on the shape of any picture.
Here I used the GIF image from my banner. The form was dragged over a white background.

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A Skin is an Irregularly shaped form. Forms that have shapes that do not resemble the standard rectangular shape are known as Irregular forms. Irregular forms may be round, elliptical, have holes in them or may be shaped like an n-sided polygon. You can see more examples of irregular forms on my Irregular Forms page.

Skin Details

The skin is created by scanning an image from top to bottom and left to right a pixel at a time. The program assumes that the top left most pixel represents the image's background color. As it scans across a row, it skips pixels matching the background color. When a different color pixel is encountered, the location is stored. The scan continues across the row until either the right side of the image is reached or a background colored pixel is found.

We now know the width of a portion of the foreground image. Since we are scanning a row at a time, the height is one pixel. Using these dimensions, a Region is created with the CreateRectRgn API. A window Region is the area within the window (a form or control) where the operating system permits drawing. The operating system does not display any portion of a window that lies outside of this region.

The scan continues until the end of the row. Then next row is scanned and the process continues until it reaches the bottom of the image. Each time a section of the foreground image is located a new region is created and combined, by a call to CombineRgn, with the existing region. Once our final region is defined, the SetWindowRgn API tells Windows how to draw the form. Drawing the skin shaped buttons is done in a similar fashion.

Since the skin has no caption we need a way to move it. A call to the ReleaseCapture and SendMessage API's in the form's MouseDown event accomplishes this. To move the skin, just click on it and drag it to a new location.

Adding Buttons

To add buttons, right click on the skin to display the options menu and select the appropriate option. Then you can add a button by dragging it onto the skin from the Images form. When you begin dragging the button its OLEStartDrag event triggers. I use this event to pass the type of button being dragged and resource file identifier of the image to the main form. When the button is dropped on the skin the main form's OleDragDrop event fires. Here, I make an existing picturebox visible and load the proper image into it.

Like most active skins I know up front what buttons the user can add at runtime. This allows me to write the code for the button and store it in an existing picturebox control at design time.

If you want, you can get fancy and add controls dynamically at run time. I have a few pages that show you how to do this and respond to the events raised by the new controls. The problem is you will need to add the code to be run by those controls at run time as well. Again, I have a solution for this using the Script Control.


The image use to create the skin must be of decent quality. If it is spotty the resultant skin will be so as well. Also, the larger the image the longer it will take to load the skin and for Windows to repaint the desktop when you move it.


Download the source and run it.

  1. Right click the skin to display a popup menu.
  2. Select Change Skin to display the Images screen. Drag a new skin onto the existing skin.
  3. Pick Select Your Own Skin to display an Open dialog. Navigate to your own image and
    open it.
  4. Select Add Help Button. Drag a Help button image onto the existing skin.
  5. Select Add Quit Button. Drag a Quit button image onto the existing skin.
  6. Once you have added a button, click it to see what it does.
  7. To Close the application, select Exit from the menu, double click on the skin or click the Quit
  8. To Move a button, use the right mouse button to drag it to a new location.
  9. To Delete a button, hold down the Shift key and right click the button.

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