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Custom FxCop Rule - Do not use Wildcards in Assembly Version Number

Here is an FxCop rule which prevents you from using wildcards in an assembly's version number. A better programming practice it to explicitly set the version number in the assemblyinfo file.

While there is no certain way to know that a wildcard was used, we can infer it by looking at the length of the individual components of the version number. If any of them are five characters longer, it is a safe bet that they were set by .NET since most programmers would typically use a shorter number.

C# code for custom FxCop rule:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk;
using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Introspection;

public class DoNotUseWildcardsInVersion : BaseMigrationIntrospectionRule
    public DoNotUseWildcardsInVersion() : base("DoNotUseWildcardsInVersion")
    public override ProblemCollection Check(Module module)
        AssemblyNode a = module.ContainingAssembly;

        if ((a == null) || (a.Version == null))
            return base.Check(module);

        string major = a.Version.Major.ToString();
        string minor = a.Version.Minor.ToString();
        string build = a.Version.Build.ToString();
        string revision = a.Version.Revision.ToString();

        if (major.Trim().Length.Equals(5))
            base.Problems.Add(new Problem(GetResolution(module.Name), module));

        if (minor.Trim().Length.Equals(5))
            base.Problems.Add(new Problem(GetResolution(module.Name), module));
        if (build.Trim().Length.Equals(5))
            base.Problems.Add(new Problem(GetResolution(module.Name), module));

        if (revision.Trim().Length.Equals(5))
            base.Problems.Add(new Problem(GetResolution(module.Name), module));

        return base.Problems;

Rule definition in the XML rules file:

<Rule TypeName="DoNotUseWildcardsInVersion" 
          Category="VBMigration" CheckId="AA1001">
        Do not use wildcards in an assembly's version number
        Wildcards have been used in an assembly's version number..
        Do not use wildcards in an assembly's version number. You should
        explicitly set all components of an assembly's version number.
    <MessageLevel Certainty="80">
    <Owner />


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