Digitally Sign and Verify Files

You can protect files from tampering by digitally signing them. You digitally sign a file with a private key then electronically transmit the file along with a public key to a recipient. Using the public key the recipient can verify the file to insure it was not tampered with or corrupted during transmission. This is all possible using the cryptographic operations contained in Window's Crypto API functions.

Provide file security by digitally signing and verifying files using the Crypto API functions.
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Digital Signing Overview

Means of sending messages in encrypted form are called ciphers. For example, moving each letter in 'Hello' right 3 places yields 'khoor'. Moving each letter is the algorithm and the number of places, 3 in this case, is the key. If you send someone the encrypted message and the key they can decode the message. Problem is, they need to know your key. This algorithm is symmetric because the encryption and decryption keys are the same.

Public key cryptography uses asymmetric algorithms consisting of a public/private key pair. Encryption is done with your private key and decryption with the public key. Digital signing uses a key pair and encrypts the message to be signed with the private key to produce a signature file. The recipient uses the public key to decrypt the signature and see that it matches the original file. However, a signature can be as big as or bigger than the original message. To remedy this, you use a hashing algorithm to reduce a message of any size to a fixed length output called the hash.

In general you:

  1. Produce a hash of your message.

  2. Sign the hash with the private key.

  3. Send the signature and the original message to the recipient.

The recipient verifies the message by:

  1. Using the public key to decrypt the signature and reveal the original hash.

  2. Recalculates the hash from the original message.

  3. Compares the two results.

  4. If they differ, the file was changed or corrupted.

Using the Crypto APIs

Generating a Key Pair

  • Use CryptAcquireContext to open the CSP and a key container

  • Use CryptGenKey to create a key pair

  • Export the key pair using CryptExportKey on each key

  • Delete the key pair from the container with CryptDestroyKey

  • Use CryptReleaseContext to close the CSP and key container.

Sign or verify a File

  • Use CryptAcquireContext to open the CSP and your key container

  • Use CryptCreateHash to create a hash object

  • Use CryptHashData to hash your file

  • If you are Signing a file:

  • Use CryptImportKey to import the private key into the container

  • Use CryptSignHash to sign the hash with the private key

  • If you are Verifying a file:
  • Use CryptImportKey to import the public key into the container
  • Use CryptVerifyHash to verify the hash with the public key
  • Use CryptReleaseContext to close the CSP and key container.

Program Discussion

Window's Crypto APIs are wrapper functions for Cryptographic Service Providers (CSPs) which do the real work. A number of CSPs ship with Windows. The Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider is used here. A CSP lets you create a named key container for working with keys. A key container is a protected area that only the CSP can access. Your key container should have a unique name so other applications don't overwrite your keys with theirs. Your app should always use the same key container every time it runs.

This program uses the CryptAcquireContext API to open or create a CSP. CryptAcquireContext takes several parameters (download the source code and see the AcquireCryptoProvider function). hCryptProv is the handle to the key container named pszContainer. This key container refers to the name of the CSP - Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0 in this case. The dwProvType variable specifies the type of services the CSP must provide. A value of RSA_PROV_FULL is used. A value of CREATE_NEWKEYSET in the dwFlags parameter says create a new key container while a zero means open the container specified by pszContainer.

Before you can sign or verify a file you need to generate a public-private key pair using the CryptGenKey function. CryptGenKey uses four parameters. hProv is the key container handle just obtained. Algid denotes the type of algorithm you want to use. Specify AT_SIGNATURE to create a signature key pair. dwFlags sets properties for the key pair. Use a value of CRYPT_EXPORTABLE so you can extract the key pair from the container and write it to disk. Parameter phKey holds a handle to the newly created keys. The dwFlags parameter lets you specify the key size in bits. This program uses a 512 bit key. For added security you can use a 1024 bit key (but you will need to adjust the size of the various structures used).

Once you have a key pair you need to export the keys to arrays using the CryptExportKey function. You can set the dwBlobtype parameter to PUBLICKEYBLOB to export the public key or PRIVATEKEYBLOB to export the private key. Set pbData to point to a byte array to receive the key data. With a 512 bit key length the public key is 84 bytes and the private key is 308 bytes. This values is passed in the pdwDatalen parameter. After the arrays are populated with the keys, they are written to disk files with .pri and .pub extensions.

Next you need to hash your message to a fixed length output. A call to CryptCreateHash passing in the handle to your key container is the first step. CryptCreateHash's Algid parameter indicates the type of hashing algorithm to use. Set this to CALG_MD5. The pHash output parameter returns the handle to the hash object.

You use the CryptHashData function to hash the message. Since your message may be large, you can call CryptHashData multiple times with successive chunks of the file to be hashed. This program uses 512 byte chunks. CryptHashData's hHash parameter is the handle to your hash object, pbdata is an array containing the current chunk to hash, and dwDataLen is the length of the chunk.

After hashing, you pass the handle of your hash object into the signing or verification functions. First, though, you need to open your key container with CryptAcquireContext. Next import the private key you want to sign the file with. Do this by creating a variable of type T_EXP_PRIVATEBLOB and read the private key data from the .pri file into the byte array contained in this type. Call CryptImportKey to move the key into the container.

CryptImportKey has an hProv parameter which is the key container handle. pbData is the variable holding the key data and dwDataLen is the length of the data. This function sets phkey to the newly created handle of the imported key. Now, prepare a buffer to receive the signature data. Use a byte array of 64 bytes (if you used the 512 bit key size). Sign your hash with a call to CryptSignHash.

CryptSignHash takes the handle to the hash object in its hHash parameter. Pass AT_SIGNATURE in dwKeySpec and specify the first element of the signature byte array in pbSignature with a length of 64 in pdwSigLen. If the function is successful (returns 0) the byte array is populated with the signature. You can then write the signature to disk. This program uses a .sgn file extension.

Verifying a file is very similar to signing it. You can see the source code for details.

What's Required

Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, Windows NT4 or Windows 2000. This also uses the VB6 version of the Common Dialog Control which will not work directly under VB5.


Download the source code. Press F5 to run the program. Select the test key from the listbox to sign the included SignMe.txt file with and click the Sign File button. Now select the same key and verify the file.

Now try corrupting the file to see what happens. Again, select the test key from the listbox and click the Sign File button. This time open SignMe.txt with notepad, make a change to the file, and save it. Now try verifying it.

Experiment with creating your own keys and signing/verifying files.

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