Disable the .NET DataGrid's TAB, Arrow, Home/End, Page Up and Page Down keys
Derive a new DataGrid and override the
ProcessCmdKey method to trap for the various
navigation keys.
Add this module level variable:
' Disable all navigation keys.
Private myDisableAllNavKeys As Boolean = False
Add this property:
Public Property DisableAllNavKeys() As Boolean
' Get/set property indicating if naviagation keys are allowed.
DisableAllNavKeys = myDisableAllNavKeys
End Get
Set(ByVal theValue As Boolean)
myDisableAllNavKeys = theValue
End Set
End Property
Override this method:
Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(_
ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, _
ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean
' Disable the navigation keys.
On Error Resume Next
If myDisableAllNavKeys Then
Select Case msg.WParam.ToInt32()
Case CInt(Keys.Down)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.Up)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.Right)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.Left)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.PageDown)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.PageUp)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.Home)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.End)
Return True
Case CInt(Keys.Tab)
Return True
End Select
End If
Return MyBase.ProcessCmdKey(msg, keyData)
End Function
Now all you need to do is set your derived grid's
DisableAllNavKeys property. In real life I use multiple
properties so I can disable individual keys such as the TAB key, groups of keys
such as the arrow keys, all keys,...
 About TheScarms
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