Add a ProgressBar to a derived StatusBar in C#

You can add a ProgressBar to a panel on your .NET StatusBar control by subclassing the StatusBar. Then you use the derived StatusBar on your WinForm just as you would use the standard control.

Subclass the StatusBar control by creating a new class:

    using System;
    using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ProgStat
    public class ProgressStatus : StatusBar
        private int _progressBarPanel = -1;
        public ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar();

        public ProgressStatus()
            this.DrawItem += new StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler(this.Reposition);

        public int setProgressBarPanel
            // Property to tell the StatusBar which panel to use for the ProgressBar.
            get { return _progressBarPanel; }
                _progressBarPanel = value;
                this.Panels[_progressBarPanel].Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw;

        private void Reposition(object sender, StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs sbdevent)
            progressBar.Location = 
               new System.Drawing.Point(sbdevent.Bounds.X, sbdevent.Bounds.Y);
            progressBar.Size = 
               new System.Drawing.Size(sbdevent.Bounds.Width, sbdevent.Bounds.Height);

In this sample the StatusBar has 2 panels and the second panel, pnlProgress, contains the ProgressBar. Here is the code to add the new control to your form. You could also add a standard StatusBar and modify it axccordingly.

Add the derived StatusBar to your form. Add this to the InitializeComponent section:

private void InitializeComponent()
    this.statusBar = new ProgressStatus();
    this.pnl1 = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel();
    this.pnlProgress = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel();
    // statusBar
    this.statusBar.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 407);
    this.statusBar.Name = "statusBar";
    this.statusBar.Panels.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel[] 
    this.statusBar.setProgressBarPanel = -1;
    this.statusBar.ShowPanels = true;
    this.statusBar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(584, 22);
    this.statusBar.TabIndex = 0;
    // pnl1
    this.pnl1.MinWidth = 100;
    // pnlProgress
    this.pnlProgress.AutoSize = 
    this.pnlProgress.Style = 
    this.pnlProgress.Width = 468;
    // Form1

Add these module level declarations:

    private ProgressStatus statusBar = new ProgressStatus();
    private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel pnl1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel pnlProgress;

Add this code to use the derived StatusBar:

    // Set properties of the derived statusbar.
    this.statusBar.progressBar.Minimum = 0;
    this.statusBar.progressBar.Maximum = 100;
    this.statusBar.setProgressBarPanel = 1;
    this.statusBar.Panels[0].Text = "Panel 1 text";
    // In your code loop, increment the ProgressBar.
    this.statusBar.progressBar.Value += 1;

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