Windows Registry / Ini File Functions
Here are a set of functions that allow you to read and write to the
Window's Registry or Initialization (.Ini) files.
These functions will help you perform most common tasks associated with storing
and retrieving your application's settings. There are many situations
where you may need to access the registry in a manner not supported by these
functions. However, the use of most registry APIs is illustrated and it
should not be difficult to use these functions as a starting point in
developing your own routines.
These functions are provided as a .Bas module that
you can include in your project. The module is self contained and the
syntax for all functions is explained below. All functions return a non
zero result when an error occurs. Although use of the registry is
recommended, the need to access ini files still exists. For that reason,
these function will operate on either.
In real life, I use these functions in various applications that are in
production everywhere. Instead of implementing them as functions in a
standard module, they are methods of a class module in a multi-threaded,
out-of-process ActiveX code component. Also, instead of simply returning
an error code they raise errors in the calling procedure. The intention
here is to demonstrate registry access through API calls and not how to create
ActiveX components. It is a simple matter to encapsulate these functions
into a stand alone object.
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Registry /Ini File APIs Used
The registry APIs are from Advapi32.dll while the
.Ini file APIs are from Kernel32.dll.
Registry Module Description
This standard module provides functions to store and retrieve values from the Windows
registry as well as from .Ini files. All functions return
zero on success and non-zero otherwise. However, most of the examples
provided below discard the return value.
Function Name
Reads a string or binary or integer value from the registry
or a string or integer value from an .ini file.
Writes a string or binary or integer value to the registry
or a string value to an .ini file. If the registry key or
.ini file entry does not exist it is created.
Enumerates all string, dword and some binary values under a registry
subkey or all values in a particular section of an .ini file.
The .ini section enumerated is limited to 8K characters.
Enumerates all subkeys under a registry key.
Deletes a subkey from the registry. The key cannot have any
Deletes a value from the registry or from an .ini file.
Reads a string value from an .ini file when only a portion of the section
heading is known. If the section heading contains multiple words, you can
specify any complete word. The full section heading is also returned.
sTopKeyOrIniFile - Can be one of the following string values:
A top level registry key abbreviation from this list:
HKey Current User
HKey Local Machine
HKey User
HKey Dynamic Data
HKey Current Configuration
HKey Classes Root
Or, the full path of an .ini file (ex. C:\Windows\MyFile.ini")
sSubKeyOrSection - Can be one of the following string values:
A registry subkey or
An .ini file section name
sValueName - Can be one of the following string values:
A registry entry or
An .ini file entry
sValueType - Can be one of the following string values:
"S" for a string value on registry or ini file operatons or
"B" for a 16-bit binary value or
"D" for a 32-bit integer (dword) value.
The default string, binary or integer value to return.
A string, binary or integer value. When reading values, it is set
to vDefault if unsuccessful (0 when reading an integer from an .ini file)
\Setting1 = "String1"
\Setting2 = "String2"
\Setting3 = True
\Setting4 = 12345
\(default) = "String1"
[Section Name]
Examples of Reading a Single Value
Function Syntax:
Function fReadValue (ByVal sTopKeyOrFile As String, _
ByVal sSubKeyOrSection As String, ByVal sValueName As String, _
ByVal sValueType As String, ByVal vDefault As Variant, _
vValue As Variant) As Long
Example 1
Read the Setting1 string value from the registry and store the result in
variable sSetting. If the value does not exist, use "No Name" as a default.
Call fReadValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", _
"Setting1", "S", "No Name", sSetting)
Example 2
Read a similar string value from an .ini file.
Call fReadValue("C:\Windows\Myfile.ini", "Section1", "Setting1", "S",
"No Name", sSetting)
Example 3
Read binary (True | False) value Setting3 from the registry. Default is
Call fReadValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", _
"Setting3", "B", False, bSetting)
Example 4
Read an integer (dword) value Setting4 from the registry. Default is
Call fReadValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", _
"Setting4", "D", 100, lSetting)
Example 5
Read an integer value from an .ini file and check the return code.
lResult = fReadValue("C:\Windows\Myfile.ini", "Section1", "Setting3", "B", _
"0", iSetting)
if lResult <> 0 then . . . .
Example 6
Read the Default value from the ...\AppVersion registry entry. The only
difference from Example 1 is the sValueName parameter is blank.
Call fReadValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", "", _
"S", "", sSetting)
Examples of Writing a Single Value
Function Syntax:
Function fWriteValue(ByVal sTopKeyOrFile As String, ByVal sSubKeyOrSection As String, _
ByVal sValueName As String, _ByVal sValueType As String, ByVal _
vValue As Variant) As Long
Example 1
Write the string "String1" to the "Setting1" registry entry.
Call fWriteValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", _
"Setting1", "S", "String1")
Example 2
Write the string "String2" to the Setting2 entry in MyFile.ini.
lResult = fWriteValue("C:\Windows\Myfile.ini", "Section1", "Setting2",
"S", "String2")
Example 3
Write a binary (True | False) value to the "Setting3" registry entry.
bValue = True
Call fWriteValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", _
"Setting3", "B", bValue)
Example 4
Write an integer (dword) value to the "Setting4" registry entry.
lValue = 1234
Call fWriteValue("HKCU", "Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", _
"Setting4", "D", lValue)
NOTE1: This function will create the registry key or ini entry if it does
not exist. This function will create the registry key or ini entry if it does
not exist.
NOTE2: This ini version of this function can only write string values to
.ini files. This ini version of this function can only write string values to
.ini files.
Examples of Enumerating Values
Function Syntax:
Public Function fEnumValue(ByVal sTopKeyOrIniFile As String, _
ByVal sSubKeyOrSection As String, sValues As String) As Long
sValues - A string of the form:
EntryName=Value|EntryName=Value|.... EntryName=Value||
Where - Value can be a string or binary value. and "|" equals vbNullChar
Example 1
Retrieve all values under the "AppName" registry key.
Call fEnumValue("HKCU","Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", sValues)
sValues will contain:
Example 2
Retrieve all values under the [Section1] section of "C:\Windows\Myfile.ini".
Call fEnumValue("C:\Windows\Myfile.ini", "Section1", sValues)
sValues will contain the same string as in Example 1.
NOTE1: The .ini section enumerated is limited to 8K characters.
The .ini section enumerated is limited to 8K characters.
Examples of Enumerating Keys
Function Syntax:
Public Function fEnumKey(ByVal sTopKey As String, ByVal sSubKey As String, _
sValues As String) As Long
sValues - A string of the form:
SubKeyName|SubKeyName|.... SubKeyName||
Where - "|" equals vbNullChar (chr(0)).
Example 1
Retrieve all key names under HKCU\Software.
Call fEnumKey("HKLM", "Software", sValues)
sValues will contain:
Examples of Deleting Keys
Function Syntax:
Public Function fDeleteKey(ByVal sTopKey As String, _
ByVal sSubKey As String, ByVal sKeyName As String) As Long
sSubKey - The path of the registry sub-key to delete.
sKeyName - The name of the registry sub-key to delete.
Example 1
Delete the "AppName" sub-key.
Call fDeleteKey("HKCU","Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", "AppName")
NOTE: The key to be deleted cannot be a top-level key (HKCU, …)
and cannot have any sub-keys
Examples of Deleting Values
Function Syntax:
Public Function fDeleteValue(ByVal sTopKeyOrFile As String, _
ByVal sSubKeyOrSection As String, ByVal sValueName As String) As Long
Example 1
Delete the "Setting3" registry value.
Call fDeleteValue("HKCU","Software\CompanyName\ProductName\AppName", "Setting3")
Example 2
Delete the "Setting3" entry from MyFile.ini.
Call fDeleteValue("C:\Windows\Myfile.ini", "Section1", "Setting3")
Function Syntax:
Public Function fReadIniFuzzyByVal sIniFile As String, sSection As String, _
ByVal sIniEntry As String, ByVal sDefault As String, _
sValue As String) As Long
sIniFile - The path of the .ini file to read.
sSection - Any complete part of the .ini file section name.
Example: [Section Name]
sSection can be "Section" or "Name" but not a partial value such as
"Sect" or "ame".
sIniEntry - The entry to read.
sDefault - The default string to return return.
sValue - The string read of sDefault on failure.
Example 1
Read the "Setting4" entry from the [Section Name] section of MyFile.ini.
lResult = fReadIniFuzzy("C:\Windows\Myfile.ini", "Name", Setting4, sValue)
lResult = 0
sSection = "Section Name"
sValue = "String4"
Download the Bas module and include it in your project.