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Where my material comes from

The vast majority of material provided on this site was created, authored or developed by me. To the best of my knowledge all other material provided on this site is public-domain or freeware material or was donated to this site with the full knowledge that I may post it on this site and that others may subsequently use it as they so desire.

I may occasionally use material from another source but only after receiving the express consent of the author. Whenever I use material from another source I give credit to that source. If you identify any material that has not been correctly credited please let me know.

Feel free to use any of my code!

I encourage you to use any code samples provided on this site. You can freely use it, modify it, republish it, pass it on, or do anything you desire with it.

I ask that, if possible, you give me credit by mentioning this site's URL (http://www.TheScarms.com). Other than your word of mouth and your referrals, I do nothing to promote this site.


The presence of any material, product information, discussions, advertisements, linked web sites or any other content on this site does not constitute an endorsement by me personally. Many times people assume I am a guru because I have a web site. I try to assist others by presenting material that I deem helpful, but please, use your own judgement when using material from this site.

This is especially true concerning the hot sauces I describe. The ability to tolerate hot sauce varies dramatically from person to person. Be forewarned that many of these sauces are exceedingly hot and can result in severe pain and possible hospitalization. Try them at your own risk! Some of them require you sign a written waiver when you buy them.


I allow a few select content related web sites to display ads this site. These ads may contain cookies and appear to be coming from this site, but in reality they are coming from those outside sites. I do occasionally use cookies but do not collect any information about you other than the number of times you have visited. I do not have access to any information about you from cookies from outside sites that you may receive while visiting this site.

I do not sell, trade or reveal any personal information to anyone else. This site contains links to other sites. I am not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such linked web sites. I make no statement, claim, or warranty of any kind about the amount and type of information those Web sites collect.

The company that hosts this site keeps logs to determine who is visiting this site, and where each visitor arrived from. These logs are not sold, or traded, or made available to anyone.

Public Forum

This site may make a public forum available to its visitors. The forum is shared across multiple internet sites. All information posted to this forum becomes public information and is seen on other internet sites. Please exercise caution when deciding what to disclose.

My Responsibility and Liability

I am not responsible or liable for anything that happens when you use any material provided on this site.

All material including, but not limited to code, information, discussions and anything else on this site, is provided as-is. Use it at your own risk. I test all material (and hot sauces) and try my best to make it as accurate as possible and function as stated. However, I accept no responsibility and assume no liability for any errors or should the material not function as stated.

My goal in maintaining this site is to gain new programming related knowledge and pass that knowledge onto you. I try my best to provide accurate material to assist you. If the material I provide does not work, is erroneous, damages something, crashes your machine, burns holes in your stomach, destroys files or does anything other than assist you, I accept no responsibility and assume no liability.

That said, If you do find a problem with a particular item please let me know and I will attempt to rectify it. I may modify the material, remove it from this site, include a warning or further description, or take some other action - all at my discretion. Failure on my part to take any action does not mean I accept any additional responsibility or liability.

If any part of this statement is illegal or invalid, the remainder of it still holds.

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